CSA Memberships
About Membership
Gurdwara Sahib Canberra and other programs and activities that the Canberra Sikh Association Inc. runs are accessible to anyone, without any discrimination.
However, registered members of the Canberra Sikh Association Inc. receive certain benefits, such as:
A right to vote (as per the Canberra Sikh Association Inc. constitution)
An opportunity to be nominated to become a Executive Committee Member of the Canberra Sikh Association Inc.
Have your say at certain meetings, e.g AGM, etc.
As a member you will also contribute to the development of the Sikh Community in Canberra
Important information in relation to new and existing membership as per CSA Constitution:
3.4 The membership year shall commence on 1st August and shall terminate on 31st July each year.
3.5 Membership fees for Ordinary Associate members shall fall due on 1st July each year and shall be paid before the expiry of two calendar months from this date of membership. Membership may be terminated if such fees remain unpaid after such period.
3.6 For a member to be eligible to vote at a meeting of the Association he/she shall have been a paid up member for not less than four months.
5.1 The Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held in September each year.
How to apply for CSA Membership?
Applying for CSA membership is easy! Just follow these simple steps:
Download and print the membership application form, which you can find on our website below.
Complete all sections of the form using BLOCK letters.
Date and sign the form.
Request any two current CSA members to support your membership application.
Email (1) the completed form along with (2) proof of application fee paid, (3) your residential address, and (4) proof of Australian Citizenship or Permanent Residency to secretary@csa.asn.au .
Once we receive your application, we'll process it as quickly as possible and get back to you with more information about your membership. Please note: incomplete forms will not be accepted.
If you have any questions or need help with your application, don't hesitate to contact us at secretary@csa.asn.au . We're always here to help!
Membership Form